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Diocese of Derby

The Diocese of Derby

The Diocese of Derby consists of the whole of Derbyshire and a few parishes on the fringes of the county near Stockport and in Staffordshire. The Cathedral is in Derby itself.

The Diocese serves a population of just under one million people and has over 300 churches. It works in communities, schools, prisons and hospitals as well being represented in various other aspects of city and county life.

Under two Archdeacons, the Archdeaconries of Derby and Chesterfield consist of deaneries and parishes all of which work alongside Christians of other denominations.


History of the Diocese of Derby

The Archdeaconry of Derby was originally part of the Diocese of Lichfield, but was moved to form part of the Diocese of Southwell, when that diocese was created in 1884. In 1927 the Archdeaconries of Derby and Chesterfield became the new Diocese of Derby, as a response to population growth.  All Saints, Derby was hallowed as the Cathedral on the 28th October 1927 and the next day the first Bishop of Derby, Edmund Pearce, was enthroned.  Although only founded as a separate diocese in 1927, the county has a long and rich Christian history.



Diocese of Derby: Facts and Statistics

Here are some facts and figures about the Diocese of Derby.

  • All the Anglican (Church of England) churches in the UK fall into either the province of Canterbury, or the province of York. The Diocese of Derby is in the Canterbury province. Read more about the Church of England and how it is structured on
  • The geographical boundaries of the Diocese of Derby and the County of Derbyshire are virtually identical.
  • The geographical area of the Diocese is around 997 square miles.
  • Its population is around 1,010,000 (the City of Derby is around 236,260).
    (Source- Derby City Council estimated during year 2000)
  • There are 255 parishes.
  • There are 330 Church of England churches in the Diocese.
  • There are 220 licensed clergy (150 stipendiary 70 NSM).
  • There are 300+ licensed lay readers.
  • Derby was founded as a city in 1977.
  • The Collegiate and Parish Church of All Saints became a Cathedral on Thursday, 7 July, 1927, although not hallowed until Friday, 27 October, 1927. It cost £10,000 to adapt the church into a Cathedral.
  • The Diocese is divided into two Archdeaconries: Chesterfield and Derby.
  • The Diocese is divided further into eight Deaneries: four in the Chesterfield Archdeaconry and four in Derby Archdeaconry.
  • Since the Diocese was legally inaugurated in 1927, there have been eight diocesan bishops, the latest is Bishop Libby Lane.
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