St Oswald's Church

School Lane, Ashbourne DE61AN

Tel: 01335 343 052

Email the Office

Information for Hirers


To hire the hall and kitchen in the Church Centre please follow these steps.

  1. Read through the information and conditions set out below to confirm the hall meets your requirements.
  2. Complete the booking form accessed from the link at the foot of this page. 
  3. Make payment by internet banking or cheque following the instructions given below.
  4. Note Claire Critchlow, Booking Secretary, can be contacted to discuss your booking if you wish either by email,, or telephone 01335 343052 or by post to St Oswald's Church Centre, School Lane, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 1AN. 

Hire Charges for main Hall: (Feb 2022)

1 £20.00 per hour or part thereof ( i.e 1.5 hours = £30)
  £10.00 surcharge towards electric for bouncy castle
  £20.00 Use of cooker to prepare meals*
  * Serving hot drinks and cold refreshments does not incure a charge.
  Using of the cooker for heating soup or cooking food incures the charge.

Use of the kitchen is by agreement for provision of light , uncooked refreshments but if the kitchen is to be used for the preparation, cooking and serving of food, then the hirer must hold a current food hygiene certificate .

Each hirer will need to provide a risk assessment prior to their event being held with particular reference to their plans to ensure Covid security for themselves and their guests . 


Payment can be made by internet banking or cheque. 

Internet Banking

Account Name PCC of Ashbourne
Sort Code 30-90-25
Account Number 00100768
Booking reference* Reference created following instructions below

*The booking reference is the day and month of the required booking in the format of DDMM followed by surname of person making the booking,  It is essential that this is inserted into the internet banking transaction so the payment can be identified and booking confirmed. Otherwise your payment may be lost and the booking invalid.


Cheques should be made out to PCC of Ashbourne.  It is essential that the booking reference as described above is written on the back of the cheque so that the booking can be confirmed. Otherwise your payment may be lost and the booking invalid. Cheques should be posted to The Parish Office, St Oswald's church, School Lane Ashbourne, DE6 1AN,

Invoices and receipts will be issued on request. Please indicate these requirements when completing the online booking form. 

To gain access to Centre

You will be contacted before your first use of the hall to discuss access

Please note the following Terms and Conditions

  1. In these terms and conditions the following terms shall have the following meaning: “PCC” shall mean The Parochial Church Council of St Oswald's church, Ashbourne and/or The Church Centre Committee that serves it. “The Premises” shall mean the church centre building adjacent to St Oswald's parish church. “The Hirer” shall mean any person who has made an application for a booking. “The Agent” shall mean any one authorised by the PCC to deal with bookings for the Premises. “The Event” shall mean the event which occurs in the Premises on the day and time covered by the booking.
  2. The use of the Premises is permitted only on the conditions which follow. The PCC reserves the right to alter or modify these conditions or to impose other conditions in any particular case. The booking of the Premises shall constitute an acceptance of the conditions of letting. The Hirer shall ensure that all legislation relating to the use of the Premises for the event and the duty to obtain any licence or approval from any person or authority is complied with.
  3. A provisional booking will be made when the Hirer establishes from the Agent that the proposed date and time period is available. This provisional booking will be held for 7 days giving the Hirer time to complete and return by post or email the necessary booking form. The booking will be confirmed once an authorised booking form has been received. Applications will be voided for persons applying on behalf of other persons, unless this is declared and agreed to at the time of the application. The purpose of the hiring must be stated at the time of the booking, and the Hirer must use the Premises for that purpose only. The Agent reserves the right to refuse any application or to cancel bookings at any time.
  4. The main hall in the centre can accommodate comfortably 90 people seated around tables and 100 seated theatre style.  These figures can be increased but Hirers are recommended to visit the Premises to ensure that all aspects of their hiring can be carried out together in the space available.  There are 100 chairs immediately available.  If more are needed please contact the Agent.
  5. As much notice as possible on either side must be given to cancel a booking.
  6. All hire rates are payable in advance. The total hire charge must be paid by 7 days prior to the date of hire and no booking will be considered binding on the PCC under these terms and conditions until full payment has been received.  The PCC at any time prior to the day of hire reserve the right to request a deposit for the booking.
  7. The person whose signature is on the booking form, who must not be a person under 18 years of age, will be held responsible for the care of the Premises, for the maintenance of good behaviour inside and outside, and for tidying up afterwards. As directed by the PCC, the Hirer shall make good or pay for all damage (including accidental damage) to the Premises or to the fixtures, fittings or contents and for loss of contents.
  8. There is no access to the Premises before the agreed stated start time of the Event and the Premises must be fully vacated by the stated finish time. The setting up of the Premises, with tables and chairs etc. for an Event and putting away afterwards is the responsibility of the Hirer. Putting chairs etc. away and clearing up must be completed inside the Event period.
  9. Entry to, and exit from, the Premises (except in case of emergencies) by the hirers and public must be by the main door at all times. The door from the small meeting room to the outside of the building is a fire exit only and should only be used as such. The door from the kitchen to outside the building is also a fire door and should not be obstructed.  It can be used to bring goods and food into the kitchen for use in the kitchen.
  10. The Premises must not be left unattended during a booked period.
  11. The right of entry during any hiring to the Premises is reserved to the Agent and to any other person or persons authorised by him/her, or by the PCC.
  12. Tablecloths, tea towels and preparation knives are not provided.
  13. Fridge and freezer facilities are not provided.
  14. The Hirer shall be responsible for the conduct of all who are using the Premises throughout the period of hire and will provide stewards when considered appropriate by the Agent.
  15. The Hirer shall ensure that no animals (including birds) except guide dogs are brought into the Premises, other than for a special event agreed to by the PCC. No animals whatsoever are to enter the kitchen at any time.
  16. The Hirer shall ensure that the minimum of noise is made on arrival and departure, particularly late at night. All attendees should have left by 10.30 pm unless involved in clearing up after that time.
  17. The Hirer shall be responsible for leaving the Premises and surrounding area in a clean and tidy condition. All items used must be returned to the appropriate cupboards, properly locked and secured (unless directed otherwise). All tables and chairs must be restored to their as found positions. ALL RUBBISH MUST BE TAKEN AWAY. Otherwise the PCC shall be at liberty to make an additional charge.
  18. Where food has been prepared and/or served during the Event the floors of the Premises (in particular the kitchen) are to be properly swept and, if necessary, wiped over at the end of the hire period.  All working services in the kitchen are to be cleaned.
  19. Cleaning equipment provided in the kitchen should only be used in the kitchen.  This is in the interests of hygiene. Cleaning equipment for use in the hall is located adjacent to the door to the disabled toilets.
  20. The Hirer at the end of the hire period shall ensure, (a) that the facilities being hired are clean and undamaged, (b) that all rubbish is removed from the Premises and car park area.  The refuse bins adjacent to the church are for church use only.
  21. All equipment and other property which has been brought onto the Premises in connection with the event must be removed at the end of each Event, unless the Hirer has entered into an agreement with the PCC to store equipment or property in the Premises. The PCC accepts no responsibility for any stored equipment or other property brought to or left at the Premises and all liability for loss or damage is hereby excluded.
  22. The PCC shall have the right to remove and discard anything left in the Premises after the hire period has ended. PCC may at its sole discretion store at the Hirer’s risk any item that appears to be valuable. A charge determined by PCC may be incurred by the Hirer for such storage.
  23. No children under the age of 12 shall be allowed in the kitchen unless under supervision.
  24. Children shall be restricted from viewing age-restricted films classified according to the recommendations of the British Board of Film Classification.
  25. The Hirer is respectfully reminded that under certain conditions where children and vulnerable adults are on the Premises, it may be necessary for the appropriate Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks to have been carried out on other people present.
  26. The hirer should carry out a risk assessment before or at the start of their hire period to cover all aspects of the activities of their own specific use of the Premises.
  27. The Hirer shall ensure that (a) Highly flammable substances are not brought into, or used in any part of, the Premises and that, (b) No internal decorations of a combustible nature (e.g. polystyrene, cotton wool) shall be erected, (c) No decorations are to be put up near light fittings or heaters.
  28. The Hirer shall ensure that no unauthorised heating appliances shall be used on the Premises without the consent of the PCC. Portable Liquefied Propane Gas (LPG) heating appliances shall not be used.
  29. All means of exit from the Premises must be kept free from obstruction and immediately available for instant free public exit.
  30. The Hirer shall comply with all conditions and regulations made in respect of the Premises by the Fire Authority, Local Authority, or otherwise.  The Hirer agrees that they will make themselves familiar with; (a) The action to be taken in event of fire, (this includes calling the Fire Brigade and evacuating the Premises), (b) The location and use of fire equipment, fire doors and escape routes and the need to keep access to them clear.
  31. The Fire Service shall be called to any outbreak of fire, however slight, and details thereof shall be given to the PCC's Agent as soon as possible.
  32. The Hirer must report all accidents involving injury to the public to the PCC’s Agent as soon as possible and complete the relevant section in the PCC’s accident book. Any failure of equipment belonging to the PCC or brought in by the Hirer must also be reported as soon as possible. (The accident book is kept in the tall metal cabinet in the kitchen.)
  33. The Hirer shall in all respects comply with all conditions, which may be imposed by PCC’s insurers in respect of any special or additional risks involved in the letting. The Hirer shall take out before the event and maintain during the hire period insurance in respect of their liabilities under conditions 34 & 35.
  34. The Hirer shall indemnify PCC against all damage which may be done to the Premises and all damage to, and loss of, any fixtures, fittings, furniture or other moveable effects thereon, arising through or in the course of any hiring and against the making good, repairing, replacement thereof. Any mishaps or breakages should be reported and payment must be made for any damage. The Hirer is responsible for the actions of any contractors or subcontractors and must ensure that they follow the requirements of these conditions.  The Hirer will reimburse PCC for any damage caused.
  35. The PCC shall not be responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever to any property arising out of the hiring, nor for any loss, damage, personal injury or death which occurs during the hiring suffered by any person or persons visiting the Premises in connection with the hiring, expect to the extent that such loss, damage etc. is caused by the negligence of PCC, its staff or agents. The Hirer shall indemnify PCC against all claims arising out of such loss and damage or injury, and shall be responsible for taking all necessary safety precautions.
  36. The PCC shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by any interruption in or failure to provide any facility where such failure is due to causes beyond its control. In this condition “causes beyond its control” includes, without prejudice to its generality, fire, flood, tempest, riot, civil commotion, national emergency, explosion of any kind, strike, lockout, labour difficulties, war, shortage of materials, interruption of transport, water, electricity, gas, communication links or other services, and the need to execute urgent repairs to the Premises.
  37. The Hirer shall not sub-let the Premises or use the Premises or allow the Premises to be used for any unlawful purpose or in any unlawful way nor do anything or bring onto the Premises anything which may endanger the same or render invalid any insurance policies in respect thereof.  
  38. Performances involving danger to the public or of a sexually explicit nature shall not be given.
  39. No decorations, flags, emblems, posters, placards, advertisements or notices shall be displayed upon the inside or outside the Premises without the previous express authority of Agent. The Hirer shall use the Premises so that it is at all times maintained in a clean, tidy and safe condition. The Hirer shall ensure that no person fixes anything to the structure or contents of the Premises, marks, soils or damages the Premises or its contents in any way. The Hirer shall ensure that no person leaves anything in, or in any way obstructs, an emergency exit or obstructs any notice of any emergency exit.
  40. The PCC has responsibility for employees and volunteers who attend the Premises on church business. So that the PCC can meet its Health and Safety At Work responsibilities the Hirer and his/her agents shall comply in all aspects with the Health and Safety At Work Act 1974 and all subsequent related legislation and regulations. Neither smoking nor the use of illegal substances are permitted anywhere within the site.
  41. The Hirer shall ensure that any electrical appliances brought by them to the Premises and used there shall be safe, in good working order and used in a safe manner in accordance with the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989. The Agent has the right to ask to see a PAT certificate.
  42. The Premises are not licensed for the sale of alcohol. The appropriate licence must be obtained and displayed at the event. See the footnote below** about how to obtain a license.
  43. The Premises has an Entertainments Licence which permits the use of copyright music in any form, e.g. record, compact disc, tapes, radio, television or by performers in person. If other licences are required in respect of any activity in the Premises, such as presenting films, the Hirer should ensure that they hold the relevant licence or that the PCC holds it.


    With the implementation of the Licensing Act 2003 alcohol cannot be sold or supplied free at any event in the church Premises without a licence.  Individuals may bring their own drinks for their own consumption without a licence. It cannot be sold direct to people and it cannot be included in the price of the ticket.  From November 2005 the licensing authority is Derbyshire District Council. For further information contact the Licensing and Administration Manager:  telephone: 01629 761374.

**Licensing Laws:  With the implementation of the Licensing Act 2003 alcohol cannot be sold or supplied free at any event in the church hall without a licence.  It cannot be sold direct to people or included in the price of the ticket.  In both these situations an appropriate licence must be obtained and displayed in the hall at the event. Individuals may bring their own drinks for their own consumption without a licence.

From November 2005 the licensing authority is Derbyshire District Council. For further information contact the Licensing and Administration Manager:  telephone: 01629 761374.

Please retain or bookmark these requirments for future reference.

The booking form that you are requested to fill in and complete is here.

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