St Oswald's Church

School Lane, Ashbourne DE6 1AN

Tel: 030 300 0498

Email the Office

Church Choir

Choral Evensong - YouTube

The church has a rich and long established choral tradition which we seek to cherish and  develop. Our aim is to enhance the sung worship of the church, serving to the best of our ability as a response and as an offering to God.

The choir sings on most Sundays throughout the year at the 10.30am Communion and 6.30pm Evensong services, as well as special services and events. The choir also sings in at least one Cathedral each year, and has a strong social life. More than 50 people sang in the Choir during last year with a strength of nearly 20 at choral communion and evensong services.

We are an enthusiastic mixed voice and mixed age group, and we love to welcome new members. We meet to rehearse every Friday from 7pm to 8.30pm, and half an hour before special services.

New recruits of any voice are welcome.

For more details about the Church Organ, click here.

To experience Evensong with our choir, cleck here.

Director of Music , Michael Halls, 372064


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